Tuesday 22 July 2008


This post/rant is provoked, surprise, surprise by work. Not however on the actual act of work but on fashion in the workplace. Much like my previous post on the whole nothing but the suit problem, it is hard to express yourself with your clothes when you are so limited by rules and regulations. Where I currently work I have to wear a uniform and beyond that there are yet more rules about what you can wear to accompany that uniform. I understand all the rules and the reasons behind them, as always, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about them. Some people like a uniform as it makes dressing easy for them, they wear what they're told and thats that. Those of us that love fashion have other ideas and like to have some freedom of choice on what we put on in the morning. The main point of a uniform is to make everyone look the same, which to me is a majorly depressing thought. I know that its for a reason in a job so that you look like you work there and aren't just wandering around but there is little freedom in that uniformity and after a while it gets depressing always wearing the same thing. Every morning I look at the clothes hanging in my wardrobe, the odd thing still with tags on and wish I could get the chance to wear them and then go back to the same old thing and trudge out the door.
The uniform is, for anyone who loves clothes and fashion very frustrating and when companies make no effort to make them flattering or fashionable it makes it even harder. What can you do with a unfitted, unflattering shirt in a colour that doesn't always go with everything and that isn't even in your size?
I remember many, many years ago when the dated and not very pleasant Brownies uniform was given a fashion makeover by Jeff Banks. The button up dark brown dress was gone and in its place, polo shirts, hoodies, and t-shirts that were more modern and much more appropriate for young girls and all the activities that being in the Brownies involves. So why don't companies that have uniforms do something similar, why not look at what would look smart and professional, what would make the staff look and feel good and therefore perhaps work with more enthusiasm. Companies just go for what is cheap and easy to produce and the staff just put up with it. All those years at school where you rolled your skirt up to make it shorter, wore the biggest high heels you could and made the most out of things like bags and pencil cases are gone and so they should be. After school the uniform should be no more. Once you become an adult your clothing should be your own choice and that freedom should be there to let you have fun with who you are and the clothes you wear.

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