Friday 31 October 2008

Pink Ladies

Today marks amongst other things the final day of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The final day is known as 'Dare to wear it pink', which means donating £2 to the charity and wearing an item of pink for the day. My office, being in the world of healthcare as it is, decided to embrace this idea and get us in pink. Now I am not a fan of this shade, not in any sense. The only place I wear it is on my face, in blusher or eyeshadow. I'm more of a black and grey kind of girl and I am just not into pink at all, purple yes, pink no. In fact I only have one pink item of clothing in my wardrobe and before today I'd never actually worn it. It just kind of hung there next to all the black, waiting for a day when I might feel like wearing it. That day has yet to arrive but for today I am wearing it. I feel and no doubt look a bit daft but since everyone else, including most of the boys, is wearing pink at least I'm not the only one who looks a bit silly.
The thing that I dislike so much about pink is what is represents. I recently read an interesting article by Germaine Greer about pink and although her opinion was pretty extreme I do kind of agree with her. Pink is the colour of Barbie, it's the defining colour of girlieness and when I meet a blonde-haired girl (they always seem to be blonde, I don't think I've ever met a brunette who was heavily in to pink) who loves pink I can't help but take a bit of an instant dislike to her. It just seems so silly and well annoyingly girlie to like pink. When we were told about wearing pink for today I was so very relieved when the girls I work beside had no idea what they were going to wear, they were like me!!! The only reason I had any idea of what to wear is because it's the only pink piece of clothing I own.
Pink hasn't really been in fashion for a while either, it occasionally pops up on the catwalk but usually alongside something else and usually with a heavy dose of irony. Very rarely will you see a fashion show that is just a massive overload of pink. It's just not really the colour of a modern woman. It is the colour of Barbie, who maybe a popstar/moviestar/politican/cowgirl/businesswoman and who knows however many jobs she's had but she's most definitely not the definition of a modern woman. Although I am more than willing to put my two quid in the pot and wear pink for a good cause, I get the feeling that my pink jumper will be returning to it's rightful place on the bottom of my wardrobe at the end of the day.

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