Wednesday 12 November 2008

Shop til you drop dead.

As I get older, which is a depressing enough thing to be dealing with as it is, I have also discovered another depressing thing: I am starting to dislike shopping. Not the actual spending of money, that bit is still far too fun for my bank accounts liking, but the actual act of shopping. Attempting to deal with Oxford Street on a Saturday afternoon in a downpour that was accompanied by a gail, I realised that I'd rather be tucked up in a bed with a good book or at least in a warm coffee shop with a muffin and a mocha. I was with my mum who was visiting and I was attempting to find her Christmas present for me. It was a bit of a nightmare. Between the horrendous weather, the umbrellas getting blown inside out and then dripping all over slidy shop floors it was just all a bit too much to be bothered with. It's a bit sad really. As a teenager I loved to go shopping and found it wonderful fun no matter what the weather. Sometimes I'd only come back with a Rimmel nail polish but my god I'd had some fun.
Now it just feels too much like a chore and the fact that pretty much everything you could ever need or want can be bought from the comfort of your sofa and then delivered to your house makes shopping seem even more pointless. I used to say that no matter how great the Internet got I would still love to see the clothes hanging from rails and be able to try them on before handing over any of my hard earned cash. Now I'm not so sure. It feels too much of a battle.
Having said that I did get the most beautiful Diesel leather jacket, made of wonderfully buttery soft leather. I saw it in Selfridges and feel madly in love with it, fortunately my mum did too and it now hangs in the second wardrobe of my flat, next to my favourite vintage dress. I did a quick online search and after about 10 minutes of getting a bit lost on the Diesel website, I discovered it on the ASOS site. So in theory I didn't need to be subjected to the madness in order to have it. However I do have to wonder if I would have got the same buzz from trying it on for the first time.

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