Wednesday 6 August 2008

If the shoe fits.

Diamonds might have been Marilyn's best friend but she also understood the power and the joy of another of womans dearest companions: shoes. Apparently Marilyn used to get her cobbler to shave half an inch off of one of her heels to make her wiggle even more wiggly. Perhaps a little extreme but what it shows is that she understood the power of heels. A pair of heels can transform an outfit, but they can also transform a person too. They make you walk with confidence and sure some men love them, Marilyn knew that.
The thing is though, nowadays its not just about grabbing mens attention, its about what they do for us girls. One of the best feelings in the world is using your own hard-earned cash to buy those dream shoes, no matter what your budget is. Its nearly impossible to pinpoint exactly what it is that makes us love shoes so much, we just do. However sometimes life doesn't make it easy to keep up the love affair and I don't just mean financially.
Problem number 1: public transport. If you live in a city you probably don't own a car, its just not really worth it. Therefore you have to rely on the dreaded public transport. In London public transport is pretty good, buses, tubes and trains that go pretty much everywhere you could need to go. However dealing with public transport does mean climbing up and down stairs, trying to stand up on a bus jerking over potholes and braking unexpectantly, endless standing around on escalators and walking from stop to stop. High heels do not mix with any of these things. Carrying ballet pumps in your handbag is the norm now. Even worse are those woman who feel that the only way to cope with public transport is to wear ugly gym-only trainers with their smart office wear and their heels relegated to a plastic bag. Which is just plain sad. However how to negotiate the journey to work in heels is still a bit of a problem when a bus or tube is involved.
Problem number 2: walking. Maybe its just the area that I live in but it seems to me that pavements have become pretty dangerous places. Tree roots that are trying to force their way through the concrete, different types of paving all fighting with each other, pavement potholes and slopes all seem to make it seem like the only safe form of footwear is hiking boots, not a pair of four-inch heels. In fact on the way to a job interview one day in a pair of four-inch heeled boots I went over my ankle on a bit of dodgy pavement and sprained my ankle. Now I just pay a bit more attention to where I'm walking and take the risk. I love my shoes too much. Not just the dodgy pavements but the amount of walking that seems to be needed to get anywhere and which always seems to result in sore feet and blisters. Getting taxis everywhere might be alright for the SATC girls but for us normal folk its not always an option. It seems us shoe-loving ladies have two options, face the pain and wear them anyway or go for some pretty flats and get used to people commenting on how short you seem.

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